Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic technique in Act one scenes 1 to 7 Essay

The chief character of the play is Macbeth. He is first of all Thane of Glamis and then inherits the title thane of Cawdor from an executed traitor. Instigated by a prophecy from the Witches that he will become king, and urged on by his wife, he murders King Duncan, and has himself proclaimed king. To secure his position, he is driven to commit further criminal acts, and plunges his country into civil war. After he is killed in battle by Macduff he is described as a ‘dead butcher’. The first scene is set on the ‘moor’ that is bleak and desolate. This scene is one of desolation and devastation. The desolate countryside metaphorically separates the humans from the Witches who are used to open the play to introduce the idea of fate and destiny. From the stage directions, the ‘battlefield’ creates a scene of death, carnage and destruction in line 4, ‘when the battle’s lost and won’ and line 12 and 13, ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ a paradox is offered. How can fair be foul? How a battle be lost and won? The Witches’ chant in rhyming couplets and their speech is deliberately equivocal to create confusion in the mortals, as it is open t interpretation. He rhyming couplets give the effect of an incantation, while the thunder and lightning echo the noise of the battle. Similarly strange is thepaaradox that closes the scene: contained within it is the oxymoron, ‘fair is foul, and foul is fair’, a paradoxical idea that the Witches are able to transform what is good into evil, and make what is evil appear virtuous. These are also the first words spoken in the play by Macbeth, the echo establishes an unconscious contact with the Witches and is dramatically effective. We discover that the Witches are on the ‘moor’ ‘to meet with Macbeth’. They seem to know where Macbeth will be. Once again they show that they can foretell the future. What can Macbeth the play’s eponymous hero have to do with these abnormal, ‘weird woman’ who ‘look not like th’inhabitants of earth’? How does he fit into their plans? The opening scene heightens the audience’s expectations, as Macbeth will soon appear on stage, the audience will try and establish exactly why the Witches hope t meet him. Witches held great significance for a Jacobean audience who believed in witchcraft. Witches were the objects of morbid and fevered fascination during this era. The Jacobeans were afraid and superstitious. They suspected that the Witches were credited with powers and could predict the future, fly, cause fogs and tempests, bring on night in daytime, kill animals and curse people, with fatal diseases as well as induce nightmares. By the use of this technique, Shakespeare knew that he would get his audience’s attention with the opening scene. Although brief, this scene sets the supernatural atmosphere of the play, which is central to its dramatic action. In scene two, Shakespeare cleverly moves the scene to establish a different mood when introducing the humans. The seething battlefield replaces the moor, foul thunder is replaced by the sound of the military alarum and the humans replace the Witches. In this scene we meet Duncan, the King of Scotland, and his sons, Donalbain and Malcolm. Duncan’s supremacy is instantly established for he is the first to speak. They receive a report of the battle fought against the King of Norway and Macdonwald, the thane of Cawdor who has proved disloyal to Duncan. From the report he audience learns about the heroism and bravery of one of the King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth. Shakespeare continues to build suspense as he introduces the humans. The audience are also introduced to evil in man and the evil in warfare. The playwright’s use of language helps to bring the battle to life and emphasises Macbeth’s importance. Dynamic verbs like, ‘smok’d’, ‘brandish’d’ and ‘unseam’d’ suggest Macbeth’s skills and courage as his sword ‘smok’d with bloody execution’. Once again we hear about Macbeth before we see him. Hw=e is spoken of in glowing terms and he becomes a hero in the eyes of the audience. Though he is referred to as a ‘worthy gentlemen’, there is still the memory that his name is connected with the Witches. ‘Brave Macbeth’ kills Macdonwald by carving ‘out his passage’ ’till he unseem’d him from the nave to the chops’ ‘with his brandish’d steel’ that ‘smok’d with bloody execution’. Part of this description highlights Macbeth’s bravery and valour, but the captain’s description of Macbeth’s ‘unseeming’ of Macdonwald can be interpreted in different ways. Shakespeare intentionally paints an ambiguous picture of Macbeth. Macbeth, however, is still not satisfied until he had ‘fix’d [Macdonwald’s] head’ upon the ‘battlements’. The decapitation of Macdonwald would support a more negative reading of Macbeth as oppose to his courageous behaviour. Scene two concludes with an ironic note as Macbeth is rewarded with the title of ‘Thane of Cawdor’ which has been taken from ‘that most disloyal traitor’ and given to Macbeth, who will prove to be more treacherous: ‘No more than Thane of Cawdor shall deceive, Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his death, And with his former title greet Macbeth’. The audience will realise that to make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor is a great mistake. We see Macbeth, the loyal subject and great hero who fought for good, change and become corrupt, and gradually deteriorate into a vicious tyrant. At the start of scene three, we meet the Witches once again in foul weather and we begin to witness their spiteful destructive nature. One ‘sister’ has been ‘killing swine’ while another has possession of a ‘pilot’s thumb’. The other Witch punishes a sailor’s wife by conjuring up a storm, therefore getting at her husband. From this the audience learns that the powers the Witches carry are limited. They cannot kill, but are able to create a climate for evil to flourish. ‘Though his bark cannot be lost Yet it shall be tempest-toss’d’. The Witches’ curse on the sailor can be read as a prediction of Macbeth’s future. We are shown that the Witches are determined to make people suffer. They torment the sailor and drain him ‘dry as hay’. They deny him sleep at ‘night’ and in the ‘day’. They ensure that ‘he shall live a man forbid’. However, Macbeth can be destroyed because the forces of veil are present within him. He alone causes chaos in the world by destroying the natural order when he deliberately choose the path of evil. The ship is a metaphor for the state of Scotland which is going to ‘tempest toss’d’ when Macbeth becomes king. ‘A drum beats and Macbeth makes an entrance. We finally meet him and it is significant that his first appearance is with the Witches on the ‘moor’. This represents his connection with evil. His paradoxical word ‘So foul and fair a day I have not seen’ arrests us because it replicates those of the Witches. This once again draws inferences between Macbeth and evil. This could suggest that the Witches have control over Macbeth, or that the ‘hags’ are in some way similar to him. The appearance of the Witches like their speeches is equivocal. It is Banquo, who is used now as a dramatic device, who first comments on the bizarre appearance of the Witches. They ‘look not like th’inhabitants o’th earth, and yet are on’t’ and they appear to be ‘women’ though they have ‘beards’. Banquo is calm and is looking for a reasonable explanation to why the Witches are on the moor, whilst Macbeth is impatient and wants an immediate answer to why the Witches have come with ‘such prophetic greetings’. The Witches prophesise that Macbeth, ‘Thane of Glamis’ will become ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and ‘king hereafter’, and that Banquo will have kings. Part of the prophecy is immediately fulfilled when a messenger announces that Duncan, King of Scotland has promoted Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. We the audience realise, that from the previous scene, Macbeth with his courage and bravery, and not the Witches’ powers, has won him the title ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Macbeth is ‘rapt withal’ and becomes lost in his thoughts, as the Witches have articulated his secret desire of killing the King. His mind has been corrupted and he wants glory for himself. Shakespeare shows how evil can control what is good in Macbeth. Macbeth is torn between the forces of good and evil and he believes that he cannot be king unless evil wins over good. Macbeth reveals a disturbed mind, when he speaks his own thoughts aloud in a soliloquy, as murder is in his mind. His first thought is to leave everything to chance: ‘If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, Without my stir’ Macbeth has asked Ross and Angus, the messengers, why they ‘dress [him] in borrow’d robes’- why they call him by the name of Cawdor, when Cawdor lives. By the end of the scene Macbeth is contemplating ‘borrowing’ the king’s ‘robes’. The reference to clothing in this scene is symbolic. The imagery of clothing indicates status, prestige and symbolises a person’s title. By using the imagery of clothing, Shakespeare is trying to show that if you wear someone else’s clothes they may feel uncomfortable and they may ‘cleave not to their mould’ because they are ‘borrow’d’. Therefore if Macbeth wears the robes of the kingship they will ‘cleave not to [his] mould’ as he is not worthy of the kings throne. When the Witches depart in this scene, Macbeth orders them to, ‘Stay, you imperfect speakers tell me more’. Macbeth’s curiosity has got the better of him and his demand of the Witches indicates his obsessive interest with these ‘weird women’ and their prophecies. The Witches ‘vanish’ into the air as they do not receive orders from mortals and will not be dictated to. The source and purpose of their evil remains a mystery to the audience. Shakespeare metaphorically compares the disappearance of the Witches to ‘bubbles’. Macbeth’s life can also be represented as a bubble, as the ‘honour, love, obedience’ and ‘troops of old friends’ that he has will soon disappear under the wishes they had ‘stay’d’. Ross and Angus enter, they are used as dramatic devices to convey to Macbeth the Kings decision to reward Macbeth with the title ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Macbeth and Banquo are both shocked as the ‘devil’ has spoken the truth. Macbeth is already snared by the Witches’ prophecies, as he believes that, ‘The greatest is behind’ On the other hand, Banquo can see through the trickery of the Witches. He is sceptical and can see through Macbeth’s motives in asking him whether he hopes his heirs will become kings. Banquo tries to warm Macbeth against the ‘instruments of darkness’. He tries to convince Macbeth that the Witches tell simple truths that are easy to believe, so that when they want to deceive people with more important matters they will also be believed. ‘And often times, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence’. Banquo is portrayed b by Shakespeare in a positive light, as he does not make him an accomplice in Duncan’s murder. The stage directions show that Macbeth turns ‘aside’. This informs the audience that he is talking to himself. This symbolises Macbeth turning away from the other characters in the play as well as the path to righteousness. Shakespeare uses dramatic language to emphasise Macbeth’s horror. His ‘seated heart knock’ at his ‘ribs’ and his hair is ‘unfix’ed’. The scene concludes with Macbeth and Banquo following Ross and Angus to meet the king. The audience are filled with a sense of apprehension and anticipation. One question remains: how will Macbeth get the crown? Scene four opens with a focus on treachery and betrayal. King Duncan hears his son, Malcolm, relate how the treacherous Cawdor has been executed. Also in this scene Duncan reveals his lack of knowledge regarding his own thanes. He exposes a very human weakness-one which lies at the heart of the play- the difficulty of working out who is loyal and who is pretyending loyalty: ‘There’s no art to find the Mind’s construction in the face’. It seems likely that there is an implicit criticism of Duncan here: a good King should be able to assess the loyalty of all his servants. Duncan’s failure to do so reveals his limitation as a monarch- one who is taken in by appearances. Dramatic irony is introduced where Duncan announces that Cawdor was a Kinsman in whom he had ‘absolute trust’. Macbeth’s betrayal will replicate that of Cawdor’s. When Macbeth and Banquo enter, Duncan immediately singles out Macbth for praise, ‘o’worthiest cousin’. The superlative ‘worthiest’ subtly reveals that Macbeth is yet another thane in whom Duncan has ‘absolute trust’. Macbeth is the most dangerous of the potential traitors because he is closest to the king. Scene four is the only time we see Macbeth and Duncan together and Shakespeare contrasts the forces of good and evil. Macbeth’s deceit and hypocrisy is shown in this scene when he praises King Duncan and promises to honour him with ‘loyalty’. He convinces Duncan that servicing ‘your highness’ will be its own reward. Macbeth is a hypocrite because in the previous scene he has contemplated the ‘murder’ of Duncan. Duncan ironically comments that he has started to metaphorically ‘plant Macbeth’, meaning that he will make sure that Macbeth grows greater and stronger as a reward for his services. This is ironic because what is growing in Macbeth is the seed of ambition to be King himself. Shakespeare deliberately plants an obstacle in Macbeth’s path when Duncan announces that his eldest son, Malcolm, is to succeed him as king. Macbeth now sees Malcolm as an obstacle between himself and the throne ‘which he must fall down’ or ‘else o’er leap’. Shakespeare uses the euphemism that Malcolm is a ‘step’ he must ‘o’er leap’, in order to disguise the realisation that Malcolm must be eradicated. In an ‘aside’, symbolically turning his back on the King, Macbeth reveals to the audience, and articulates for the first time his ‘black and deep desires’. He invokes the powers of darkness to ‘hide [their] fires’. At the beginning of scene five, we see that Macbeth and his ‘dearest partner of greatness’, Lady Macbeth, have a very close relationship. This is a contrast to how distant they become later on in the play when Macbeth’s ‘fiend-like queen’ is ‘innocent of the knowledge’. She is ‘innocent of the knowledge’ as Macbeth does not confide about his plans to kill Banquo, and she shows ignorance of Macbeth’s murder of Macduff’s family. She asks in her rambling state ‘where’ the Thane of Fife’s wife is ‘now’. Macbeth’s lack of sorrow when he hears of his wife’s death is also indicative of how they have drifted apart. In all the public scenes in the play she acts ‘like the innocent flower’; in the private scenes we see the ‘serpent under’t’. It is suggested that she commits suicide as she has become lonely and rather isolated. Lady Macbeth does not live up to the expectation of a typical Jacobean/Elizabethan woman. She wants the spirits the ‘spirits’ to ‘unsex’ her so that she can be tough and strong. Lady Macbeth uses strong imperatives and determined language that is brutal and violent. This is because she is delighted with her husband’s letter and shows determination that he will become king. The letter form Macbeth describes the Witches’ appearances, their prophecies-in particular that which promises the throne to Macbeth- but does not mention King Duncan’s announcement of his heir; the audience can therefore, assume that this letter was written immediately after the events which occur in the third scene. Although Lady Macbeth knows that her husband is ambitious, she is aware that he ‘is too full o’the milk of human kindness’. She says that ruthlessness is an ‘illness’ that Macbeth does not have. This is not a true portrayal of Macbeth, because from the previous scenes and throughout the play we see that Macbeth is not ‘too full o’the milk of human kindness’ but lacks it. Perhaps she is comparing Macbeth to herself and is saying that Macbeth is not as ambitious as she is. Lady Macbeth under estimates the powers of her conscience. She see her conscience as her weakness, not realising until after Duncans ‘murder’ how she will pour[her] spirits in his ear’. She has also decided that nothing will stand between him (or her?) and the ‘golden crown’ ( a metonym for the throne). Lady Macbeth greets her husband like the Witches, which subconsciously links her to evil and believes that her call to the ‘murdering ministers’ has been answered. She feels ‘now the future in the instant’ and that she is ‘beyond this ignorant present’. This is ironic as Lady Macbeth is still being ‘ignorant’. Lady Macbeth’s confidence is a contrast to Macbeth’s uncertainty. She advises him to ‘look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t’ and to ‘only look up clear’. She is in control of their relationship and tries to help Macbeth find the necessary determination to do the ‘deed’. Though Lady Macbeth appears to be confident, she uses euphemisms when talking to Macbeth about the ‘nights great business’. At this point in the play, Macbeth has been tempted to commit regicide, however he has tried to resist temptation. Macbeth’s resistance, however, is not vigorous enough to stand up to his wife’s ability to manipulate him. The scene closes dramatically with Lady Macbeth’ emphatic affirmation that Duncan’s fate rests in her hands- ‘leave all the rest to me’. Scene six sees King Duncan arriving at Macbeth’s castle, he and Banquo talk about how ‘pleasant’ a place it is to visit. They comment that the air ‘recommends itself’ and ‘is delicate’. This is ironic in view of Lady Macbeth’s words in the previous scene, and even more so when compared with that of the Witches say about the ‘fog and filthy air’ surrounding their evil deeds. Duncan also says that he is grateful for the ‘love’ which is shown to him. Here again, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony. The idea that Duncan feels safe and loved in the surroundings is ironic as this will be the scene of his murder. This creates a sense of anticipation for the audience. It shows Duncan’s naivety, as he keeps full trust in Macbeth and his ‘fair and noble hostess’. We are presented in this scene with images of tranquillity and the words ‘host’ and ‘guest’ are repeated. At the beginning of scene seven, we once again see the struggle between the forces of good and evil. Macbeth cannot make up his mind whether to kill Duncan and he wrestles with his conscience in his soliloquy. He knows that the murder would be wrong and would he would end up paying the price for his crime, but he has ‘vaulting ambition’ that is very persuasive to his conscience. Though Macbeth is driven by ‘his vaulting ambition’ he redeems himself and ‘will proceed no further in this business’, as Duncan’s murder will be ‘like angels, trumpet-tongu’d’ and heaven would be outraged. The verb ‘will’ shows Macbeth’s determination to keep his soul. Toward the end of his soliloquy Macbeth compares his excessive ambition to a horse that tries to jump too high and fall on the other side of the fence. Within the soliloquy Macbeth’s thoughts seem to be fragmented, this is shown by the use of many full stops. Lady Macbeth verbally assaults her husband using violent language that becomes heightened. She accuses him of being a ‘coward’ and questions his manhood: ‘when you durst do it’, she says, ‘ then you were a man’. She is forceful in her language and she conjures up images of horror. She knows, ‘How tender’tis love the babe that milks me: I would, While it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Lady Macbeth seems to have been granted her earlier wish to the evil spirits to ‘Fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty’. Macbeth’s earlier decision not to kill Duncan crumbles under the scornful attack of his wife, especially when his bravery is questioned. However, he is still worried bout what will happen to then if they ‘should fail’. Shakespeare cleverly ends the scene with rhyming couplets. ‘Away, and mock the time with fairest show, False face must hide what the false heart doth know’. The rhyming couplets symbolise their connection with the Witches and evil as they complete their preparations for murder. The audience waits in anticipation. Throughout Act one Shakespeare creates an atmosphere of tension by exploring the theme of evil against good. Symbolism is used to emphasise this theme. Dramatic irony, dramatic language and strong descriptive scenes also help to build up an atmosphere of tension.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Concert Essay

For this concert report I chose to go to a performance of student composers held at YUANZE UNIVERSITY auditorium in building 6. I chose this one because I wanted to see some of the talent that my peers have in the music realm, and also it was one of the only concerts I have been able to attend because of religious restrictions. It was impressive to hear pieces composed by students. I cannot imagine creating something as complex as a musical composition, much less actually performing it, so this aspect of the concert was particularly awe-inspiring. There was a large attendance, and I think that much of the audience consisted of friends of the performers and some of the university students. I went with two friends, who weren’t so eager to go; I had to convince them by telling it would be interesting to see student performers/composers. The first piece was called Oblique/musique composed by Patrick Swanson. This piece instantly stood out among the others because of the instruments involved. The piece was performed by two people: one playing a vibraphone and the other playing a large drum/cymbal/gong. However, the piece also contained prerecorded sounds of static, bass, and an incoherent voice. In this piece the melody was repeated many times. It was similar to the works of John Adams because of its repetitions, background recording, and minimalistic sounds. The second piece was a piano composition called something Afternoon; I didn’t really get the title. This piece had a very relaxing melody and a mild tempo. It was not fast and not slow. It was an experience of a lifetime. I listened to a genre of music I never had listened to. At the concert two people performed already leaving the audience wanting for more. I also noticed that in the back of the auditorium there was a camera crew filming the whole performance. The auditorium was very elegant looking. The majority of the people in the audience were young people in their twenties. That’s what I expected, it being in a college and all. The hall was rather big for such a small performance. It could fit approximately three hundred people and in the performance floor there was a piano a chair for the pianist and a table with a jar and a glass of water. The songs performed in the concert were all mixed up between andante and allegro. Most of the songs went from andante to allegro. It was divided into five acts. Four of the five acts were homophonic and the other act was polyphonic. The performers were dressed very elegantly. There was about thirty people in attendance and they were dressed in there normal attire. Also the majority of the concert was in the dissonant form. Very rarely I saw a consonant song playing. The behavior of the performers was that they were very concentrated in their work. Keeping aware and avoiding all mistakes if possible The pianist was really young for his professionalism, he was really professional, played spectacularly well. He gave the audience feelings of anger, sadness, and joy. The flutist also played brilliantly. Lastly the vocalist was the best part. She had a very high pitched voice sang both high and low parts. Sang both happy and sad parts. Gave the crowd mixed up feelings.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Billy Budd Essays - Billy Budd, Billy Kessler, Pale Yellow Skin

Billy Budd Unknown There is much to be said about innocence. If one is with innocence than one can do no wrong. But that is not all to be said. Innocence is not always a good thing. It could make one naive or blind to certain evils. Like in the case of Billy Budd. Billy was innocent from evil and therefore could not see the evil of John Claggart approaching him, out to destroy him. It is known Billy's innocence was his down fall by hiding the true evil from his eyes. But why was John Claggart out to destroy Billy?. There are several reasons why John Claggart attempts to destroy Billy Budd. John Claggart wants to destroy Billy because he is extremely wary of Billy's intentions. He has come to believe that Billy is planning a mutiny and wants to take over the ship. Claggart reports this to captain Vere saying," During today's chase and possible encounter I had seen enough to convince him that at least one sailor aboard was dangerous." Meaning that he felt Billy was against them. Claggart felt that Billy's big plan was to get in favor of all the men on the ship and then turn them against the captain. Captain Vere responds by having Billy and Claggart meet in private where Claggart can openly accuse Billy of this crime. Fortunately, Claggarts attempt to destroy Billy for mutiny fails because he is struck down by Billy in one blow, ending the matter, but opening a much more serious one. Claggart is also seen as attempting to destroy Billy due to his evil nature in general. Nothing depicts Claggart's evil nature better than the way he looks. His cleanly chiseled chin and cunning violet eyes that can cut lesser sailors with an evil glare. His pale yellow skin and jet black curly hair; they all contrast his character. He is out to destroy Billy because of the constant struggle of good and evil. Billy is innocent and cannot comprehend evil therefore making him good. People calling Billy "baby budd, and handsome sailor" just seem to contrast the good in him even more. Claggart was born evil and therefore is evil. Claggart would naturally be out to destroy Billy because he is what he is against. Just good vs. evil in a battle for control. That is why Claggart is naturally out to bring the downfall of Billy Budd. It is very true that jealousy is another reason why John Claggart wanted the destruction of Billy Budd. Claggart was never well liked by the crew he was watching over. This would not have been a problem except that Billy Budd was so very liked by the crew. Every time he saw the love of Billy he was reminded of the dislike of himself. One old sailor on the ship noticed this too and warned Billy by saying, "Jimmy Leggs is down on you". Jimmy Leggs referring to Claggart. One instance which occured in the kitchen just made matters worse when Billy spilled the soup he was making and it ran down the corridor just as Claggart was walking by. Claggart did not openly get angry at Billy for the accident, but inside felt he had done it on purpose. As the soup ran down the corridor it seemed to symbolize an actual line drawn between the two. The resentment Claggart felt for Billy made him look him too critically. That is a good reason why Claggart could have thought Billy was planning a mutiny a nd would want him destroyed. He was just jealous of Billy's popularity. There are several reasons why John Claggart attempts to destroy Billy Budd. One might ask why and come up with the obvious and not so obvious answer, even though we know the real reason for his downfall. That was his innocence. Yes, Billy Budd was innocent of evil, but that innocence is what made him unable to see the evil out to destroy him in Claggart. Too much innocence is not always a good thing, but a little helps from doing wrong. There is quite a bit to be said about innocence.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Species at the Small Nature Trail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Species at the Small Nature Trail - Essay Example The Small Nature Trail is not named so because of its size, but rather it is named after Lawrence Small, who owned the land before it was acquired by the school. The trail loops through woods and wetlands and offers many opportunities to observe diverse plant and animal interactions in their natural surroundings. The Harvard Trails Guide released by the Harvard Conservation Trust (n.d.) mentions that, â€Å"the black birch which, when scratched, smells like root beer; spice bush, which also emits a ‘spicy’ odor; sassafras, with its three different leaf shapes; and the shagbark hickory, with its distinctive or exfoliating bark.† I was able to identify and examine these trees myself during the hour and a half long trail walk. There were also boardwalks and bridges that cover the wet areas of the trail. A little while into my trail walk, I began to examine the ground where I was walking more closely. Soon, I noticed red ants moving rather quickly in their line. They were carrying a dead beetle to their nest. As I looked closely, I noticed that the larger worker ants were carrying the beetle while the smaller worker ants assisted the larger ones and went up and down the line formation, trying to get the dead beetle to their nest. ... Once the beetle was taken into the hole, the activity above the ground reduced as most of the ants accompanied their food into hole. After watching their activity for a while, I went back to the trail to continue my exploration. As I walked along the trail, I noticed bracket fungi growing on several trees like the poplar and maple trees. They were easy to identify as they had the characteristic semi-circular shape, which looks like shelving growing out of the trees. In fact, throughout my trail walk, I found several bracket fungi growing on trees and tree stumps. When I touched them, they felt soft and squishy. Bracket fungi are known to derive their nourishment from their host – the trees. I plucked out a piece of the fungi from a tree trunk and found some small root-like structures extending into the tree. Therefore, I believe that the bracket fungi that I saw were parasitic. The walk on the boardwalk was a wonderful experience as there was thick foliage on both sides and on e cannot see too far since the path twists and turns through the foliage. As I got off the board walk, I saw several different kinds of plants which had flowers of different colors. That is when I noticed some butterflies fluttering around these flowers. As I took some time to observe this insect-plant interaction, I realized that the butterflies was not only drinking the nectar from the flowers, but were also helping the plants in pollination - something that I had studied in my school, but never really taken the time to notice in nature. I spent a considerable amount of time observing these butterflies. After spending some time with the butterflies, I resumed my walk. As I approached the wet area of the trail, I noticed some turtles basking in the sun. I

What did the peace of Westphalia entail and how far did it mark a Essay

What did the peace of Westphalia entail and how far did it mark a significant shift in contemporary European international relations - Essay Example As Benjamin Straumann comments, â€Å"This is a notion of sovereignty that is based on an analogy between states and individuals, deriving its force from the application of liberal political theory to the international realm† (Straumann, 2008). The Westphalia agreement is acknowledged to be the beginning of modern International relations (IR) on the basis of the acknowledgment of state sovereignty. In Medieval Europe, feudal authorities occupied a remarkable geographical space accompanied with various political organizations. Networks of rival authorities placed on top in territorial spaces. Church and its authorities often practiced claims to jurisdiction. In the beginning, the Thirty Years War started as a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics became a serious battle which included major European forces such as Spain, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. Scholars of international relations have widely accepted the Peace of Westphalia as shorthand to determine the system of states which formed the world in the present day. Before the Thirty Years War, European political order was a combination of the traditions of Roman Empire and the Church. The U.S efforts to built Free State in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq highlight the relevance of Westphalia settlement. Historical upbringing: From the Thirty Years’ War to the Westphalia treaty The Thirty years War explore some remarkable changes that happened in the field of international relations and the conflicts related with political organizations and other institutions like church, lords, empires and Pope. The war was a thrash about two major parties like the Universalists and the Particulrists actors. Hendryk Spruyt observes that â€Å"The neither jurisdictions neither discrete jurisdiction overlapped-nor exclusive – different authorities might claim final jurisdiction on the same matter† (Spruyt, 1994). Universalists includes the emperor and Spanish King belonged to the Habsburg dynasty and the Particularist actors having rich ideological and political support from Denmark. In spite of the political support from Denmark, Particularist actors have enjoyed the political and religious support from, Dutch Republic, France, and Sweden as well the German princes. Exponents of Universalists have exposed their faith in Church of Rome and they admitted the power of Pope and the power of Christendom. Andreas Osiander’s quotes showing the prevalence of the conflicts between Universalists and the Particularists. Author reminds that â€Å"These actors rejected imperial over lordship and (for the most part) the authority of the Pope, upholding instead the right of all states to full independence (â€Å"sovereignty†)† (Gale 2001). Universalists have exposed their willingness to entertain Pope’s dominance in determining the sovereignty of states. Unlike Universalists, their opponents have required the formation of a free sovereign state having full independence. Military conflicts caused devastation to the civilian population. Studies have mentioned that â€Å"it is estimated that at least half of the German and Bohemian people lost their lives due to starvation, diseases and brutal attacks from soldiers bent on pillage† (Franca Filho, n.d.). The Peace of Westphalia refers to the couple of agreements named Instrumentum Pacis Monasteriense and the Instrumentum Pacis

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mathematics - Essay Example If we let "s" stand for the number of kth powers, then g(k) is the least such "s" powers. Some examples of g(k) are: g(1) = 1; g(2) = 4, since from Lagranges 4-square theorem, every natural number is the sum of atleast 4 squares. In addition it was found that 7 requires 4 squares and 23 requires 9 cubes. Progress was made on Warings Problem by establishing bounds, or the maximum number of powers. For instance, Liouville found that g(4) is at most 53. The work of Hardy and Littlewood also led to other bounds; in particular, they found the upper bound for g(k) to be O(k2k+1). The work of Hardy and Littlewood also led to the realization that the number G(k) is more fundamental than g(k). Here, G(k) is the least positive integer s such that every sufficiently large integer (greater than some constant) is a sum of at most s kth powers of positive integers. A formula for the exact value of G(k) for all k has not been found, but there have been many bounds established. 1, 4, 9, 19, 37, 73, 143, 279, 548, 1079, 2132, 4223, 8384, 16673, 33203, 66190, 132055, 263619, 526502, 1051899, 2102137, 4201783, 8399828, 16794048, 33579681, 67146738, 134274541, 268520676, 536998744, 1073933573, 2147771272 Hilberts proof of Warings Problem for all positive k can be seen as proving an equivalent theorem: There are positive integers A and M and positive rationals 1, ..., M, depending only on k, such that each integer N A can be written in the form Many generalizations of Waring’s Problem have been made. For instance, there is the prime Waring’s problem, and generalizations of the problem to algebraic number fields and arbitrary fields. The problem known as the â€Å"easier† Waring’s Problem takes the integer n to be a sequence of numbers x, each to the kth power. All of these variations have led to a Mathematics Subject Classification 11P05 entitled â€Å"Waring’s Problem and variants.† In 1742, Goldbach suggested that every

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial analysis for Performance management Research Paper

Financial analysis for Performance management - Research Paper Example After the merger, there is a substantial increase in the companys capital as well as a decrease in the liabilities. It shows that the company position to meet its financial obligation has improved after the merger. The equity multiplier calculated for the period before the merger shows that the company had funded a huge share of its assets using debts. After the merger, the company gets the additional capital that boosts its books, but still ratio remains relatively high. The interest cover ratio for the period the merger shows the company was not in a position to pay it interests obligation, the company made a loss. In the period after the merger, the period ended 26 July 2014, the company is in a better position to cater for its interest obligations though there are more interest obligations as results of the increase in debts. The gross margin shows the portion of the total sales that is left out after accounting for the direct costs related to the production of the goods and services. The gross margin ratio is within an acceptable range. There is increased in sales revenue in the period ended revenue in the financial year ended 26 July 2014 and point to a more efficient selling capacity. The fixed asset turnover ratio calculated is seen to increase over the period. The higher ratio in the period after the merger shows that the efficiency in utilising the fixed asset to generate sales has improved. During the period that ended 27 July 2013, the company was in a very poor position to meet its financial obligation. The company made a loss. After the merger, that is, the period that ended 27 July 2013, the company made a profit and can then be able to meet its financial obligations as and when they become due for payment. Therefore, the lender can now confidently trust to lend the firm without risking default. To the company management, I recommend they ensure the profitability trend is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Structure of the Hospitality Industry Assignment

Structure of the Hospitality Industry - Assignment Example Therefore, the responsibilities relating to the functional areas such as marketing, customer relationship management, HRD and finance in an undertaking need to be reoriented in tune with the global changes in the industry. The organizational structure of different organizations in the hospitality industry is based on the facilities available. However, the structure also varies with the star categorization of the luxury hotels, type of ownership like a partnership or limited company, the number of hotels in the group and affiliation with the international hotel chains. World Hotel Rating (WHR) project labels hotels by features such as family or child-friendly. Some hotels are operated on franchisee basis. The internal control systems in the case of firms with one or two hotels under the same management will be very simple. However, in the case of hotel chains or hotel groups with international operations, the systems would be very elaborate with risk management controls in place. Many small-sized organizations prefer Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) status with a view to avail tax benefits. As against flat structure noticed in small organizations, the chain of command, the delegation of responsibilities and authorities, hierarchical levels and managerial decision-making process in the case of hotel chains or groups consisting of several business activities considerably vary depending upon the size and diversity. The management structure is also influenced by the environmental factors relating to the businesses, categories of services offered and technology used. The industry covers a wide range of services such as tourism, theme parks, event management and tourism related services apart from lodging and catering. The organizational structure of a  company which provides various services has several divisions such as Hotel, Tourism, Theme Parks and Travel.   There are various departments within each division, for example, in the case of Hotel Division the departments include Housekeeping, Health &Sports, Restaurant, Room Service, Event Management and Front Office.   The departments such as Accounting, Advertisement & Media, Marketing, and HRD are common to all the divisions.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Case Study

Leadership and Organisational Behaviour - Case Study Example W.L. Gore & Associates is also known for its ability to develop innovative fabrics and polymer products which can be used for industrial, leisure, electronic and medical purposes (Gore, 2013). The case study will be analyzed on the basis of various theoretical frameworks regarding leadership and organizational behaviour and the researcher will use conjectural view in order to address pertaining issues in the case study. The researcher will mainly use four types of aspects such as leadership theories, team leadership, organizational behaviour and group dynamics in order to analyze the cases study. The researcher will take help of the theoretical argument of various research scholars in order to substantiate the proposed theoretical framework for the cases study and there will be separate literature review in the paper which will present theoretical arguments of various research scholars. In the next part of the paper, pertinent aspects of the case study will be analyzed in the light o f theoretical framework. In the last section, the researcher will recommend some suitable strategies which can help W.L. Gore & Associates to address any future problems in sustainable manner. Paradigms of the Case Study Careful analysis of the case study reveals the fact that the case of W.L. Gore & Associates is exceptional when it comes to comparing work culture in other organizations. The case study was written by considering leadership and organizational behaviour theories such as, 1- mutual trust development in a team, 2- leadership, 3- shared value within the team members, 4- managing a knowledge sharing and organic culture and 5- zest for constant innovation. Now, the question is whether the case study has been succeeded to address all the above mentioned theoretical aspects? Giving answer to the question is not a simple task and neither the researcher is in a position to judge the merit of the case study. However, the case study should be appreciated for its effort to unloc k the success mystery for W.L. Gore & Associates by integrating some of the prominent leadership and organizational behaviour theories. The researcher has found that above mentioned five aspects of the case study needs theoretical consideration in order to analyze the case study in terms of some well established leadership and organizational theories. Hence, the researcher has decided to conduct a literature review in order to explain pertinent aspects of the case study in the light of theoretical judgement of eminent research scholars. Literature Review It is evident from the case study that W.L. Gore & Associates has carefully replaced the concept of managing from external periphery with the concept of self managed individuals who can achieve leadership position by disposing skill and knowledge. Orsburn and Moran (2000) argued that self managed work groups are far more flexible in comparison to bureaucratic structure. Pearce and Manz (2005) pointed out that modern organizations ha ve trying to experiment with the organizational dynamics and organizational culture which can improve their productivity. Pearce and Manz (2005) defined self managed leaders are those who do not need external pressure to achieve the performance objective in workplace rather they

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics of Dignity and Freedom by Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics of Dignity and Freedom by Kant - Essay Example The researcher of this essay states that Kant was the first philosopher who proposed the notion of deontological ethics, which is the study of duty. This essay provides a detailed analysis on the topic of ethics as a branch of philosophy that was presented in Kant's works: The Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785), The Critique of Practical Reason (1787). The researcher analyzed the most important Kant’s criticism of previous ethical theories, that is the most obvious in his theory about symbol. Kant’s ethics is remarkable for the new interpretation of the notion of symbol. The connection between Kant’s ethics and his theoretical philosophy, the genesis of his ethical ideas, formation of his thoughts in frames of study about freedom and ethics, dignity study (the central category of his moral philosophy) – these problems are at the centre of his ethical concept, that was analyzed in the essay. There is one more important issue mentioned in the es say from Kant’s philosophy of dignity and freedom – the connection between freedom and morality. The philosopher insists that person exists in two worlds: the one is the world of physical existence and another is the world of spirit. It is also suggested in the study that Kant’s philosophy of history and the idea of progress are closely connected with the ethical theory. In conclusion, the researcher states that it is worth saying that Kant’s activity had a great impact on the development of modern ethical philosophy and philosophy in general.

Politics and the English Language Essay Example for Free

Politics and the English Language Essay Politics and the English Language is an essay by George Orwell published in 1946 where he criticizes the way written English language has evolved. Orwell uses five texts from various contemporary authors to identify in them the perversions in the evolution of the language. He then classifies these into four main fallacies: dying metaphors or cliches, operators or verbal false limbs or the elimination of simple verbs and the use of passive voice rather than active, pretentious diction or terms used to impress rather than to convey meaning, and meaningless words or paragraphs that usually do not give much meaning. Moreover, the author emphasizes and criticizes the use of foreign languages amongst the English for useless sophistication. The writers main purpose is to reflect this decadence of the English language to the general decline in contemporary society and to relate it to Politics. In fact, according to Orwell, language is used for political purposes to transform it into a vague and meaningless set of prose phrases in order to conceal truths rather than express thoughts. This is exemplified with the case of political speeches, articles, and propagandas. Finally, he suggests a set of simple rules that could contribute to the reversability of the decay of English. Orwell seems to be quite objective since –for instance- he involves the reader in his text and even invites him to find some of the faults criticized, in it. Also, the six rules that the auhtor suggests to simplify English, could be very beneficial even for contemporary students in their writings. However, it seems that Orwell has used a prescriptive and quite subjective approach in his essay by which he finds what he is looking for based on the ideology he already believes in, that tends to be emerging from deep-rooted conspiracy theories.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Integrating school safety data for the purpose of safe school program evaluation Essay Example for Free

Integrating school safety data for the purpose of safe school program evaluation Essay Abstract This paper addresses the issue of school safety and what should be done to enhance it. The need for all stakeholders; the government, the school administrations and community to facilitate safe school planning and thus essentially enhance school safety are equally taken into consideration. The paper further provides some of the indicators that are considered while implementing an effective safe school plan and how to assess and evaluate the proven programs. This in essence, provides a general picture of promoting school safety so that incidents of crime can be lessened. In addition, the need to create an enhanced safe environment needs to be sensitized in every school since it has a direct impact to the performance of schools. Introduction This paper considers data that will provide the way best practices and proven programs can be used to enhance school safety. Such a program that has been considered is Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block grants (JAIBG). This kind of a program considers the underlying premise that young people who violet the laws need to be held accountable for the offenses if society is to improve the quality of life in the nations’ communities. It is to this effect that the paper goes beyond and evaluates the accountability of the juveniles in relation to the environment they live in and other surrounding factors. Consequences or sanctions that are applied swiftly, surely, and consistently and are graduated to provide appropriate and effective responses to a varying levels offense seriousness and offender chronics work based, in preventing, controlling and reducing further law violations. There is, therefore the need to use best practices and such like proven programs to enhance school safety. Further more, the safe school planning procedures have to involve all the stakeholders including parent, teachers, government and the community and of course the students. Safe Schools and School Planning In most cases statistics and the government reports determine safe schools but this ought not to be an end by itself. Various questions are raised in defining a safe school due to the difficulty that comes along with the definition. A safe school is considered one in which guards patrol the halls, metal detectors protect all entrances and all violent incidents are reported to the police. Creating a safe school goes beyond eliminating knifing, fighting and shootings. Violence is also subtle things such as name calling; fear of being ridiculed; teasing; offensive touching; racial, ethical, cultural, or sexual slurs; and bullying (Hernandez, 2004). This shows that most violence in school does not occur overnight but it develops over a period of time. According to (Stevick and Levinson, 2003), â€Å"violence is the most extreme manifestation of range of behaviors that run contrary to schools’ expectations and purposes† A safe school is the one in which the total climate allows students, teachers, administrators, staff, and visitors to interact in a positive, non-threatening manner that reflects the educational mission of the school while fostering positive relationships and personal growth. In addition a safe school is one, which repeated absenteeism, inadequate performance, or dropouts, withdrawals or transfers due to feeling afraid in school are progressively reduced. Incidences of disruption, crime and violence are progressively reduced too. Safe school planning is a clear and concise plan for creating a safe school climate. This requires collaborative efforts of parents, students, school personnel, and communities. The plan should contain a written conduct and discipline code, and policy for annual building inspections to eliminate barriers to safety and a policy for annual written report regarding learning environment to be submitted to the relevant authorities. These are proactive measures that should be taken to reduce if not eliminating school-based crimes. A comprehensive planning process based on state law, gives a guideline to a school and the community at large in developing a plan that is relevant and effective. Best practice and Proven Programs Best practice is a management ideal, which asserts that there is a technique, method, process, activity incentive, or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. These are essentially the most efficient and effective ways of accomplishing a task. They are based on repeated procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people. On the other hand proven programs are those have shown success in their repeated use. Though this is the case, proven programs have to adjust depending on the rising challenges in our society. The proven programs are bound to come up with positive results that are manifested by safety school environment. Purpose of the proven programs is to promote school safety by increasing student accountably for their behavior. This facilitates the development of constructive well-conserved† accountability based programs that work with either juvenile offenders who are referred by law enforcement agents, or which are designed in corporation with law enforcement officials to protect student and school personnel from drug, gang and youth violence. It must be noted, however the accountability based programs operate most effectively when they are part of a comprehensive collaborative approach involving a wide range of partners including students, parents, school faculty, and staff, community residence, members of communities organization, law enforcement justice authorities. Partnership with local juvenile justice systems and schools to establish and maintain accountability based programs, and students’ accountability must work in concert with institutional accountability that addresses the underlying causes of students’ violence and misconduct. School safety programs that emphasis student accountability can be build on the experience of successful community-based delinquency prevention and intervention programs. Comprehensive strategy for serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders and safe futures program are examples that have proven effective in addressing juvenile delinquency (Wilson, 1993). The comprehensive strategy provides a blue print for establishing a continuum of care to meet the needs of at-risk or delinquent youth while protecting the public from harm. It promotes a systematic approach to prevention and the use of graduate sanctions in dealing with the offenses committed by such individuals and advocates the developments of partnerships between the juvenile court, law enforcement and community. Some of the programmatic strategies derived from the comprehensive strategy and the safe futures programs are applicable to accountability-based school safety initiatives include emphasis on juvenile accountability, develop an expanded and integrated network of social services. In provision of comprehensive strategies there is involvement of law enforcement as a stake holder in community-based efforts to prevent and respond to delinquency. Accountability in a school environment means expecting students to comply with school rules and regulations that reflect community standards or behavior and where necessary, addressing students misconduct with appropriate conduct including school discipline. Programs can take a comprehensive approach to reducing delinquency and misconduct in schools by building student accountability into the school culture. Efforts to enhance school safety should be fully integrated into all aspect of school operation including the learning environment curriculum, administration, staff selection and staff training. Enhancing School Safety through Assessment and Evaluation In enhancing school safety there is the need to understand all the indicators that distinguish a safe school from unsafe schools. One of the indictors that characterize a safe school is the orderliness of the school. This involves a creation of a climate of mutual respect and responsibility. This can be evaluated by the way students relate to others, teachers and staff. Expectations about this amicable relationship are what are accepted and consequences for unacceptable behavior are known and applied where appropriate. Another parameter to measure, evaluate and enhance school safety is to ensure that the school has existing plans, and implement the plans progressively. In addition there should be policies and procedures that address the safety of the school. When these issues are put in place the schools safety is enhance and evaluated. Measures that check the number of trespassers, incident of vandalism, reasons for absenteeism and number of firearms and other weapons have to be taken into account to enhance safety in schools. The environment in which an individual lives in has one to one relationship with the criminal or non-criminal behaviors. In considering the environment there is the need to use Crime Prevention Environment Design to ensure that safety at school is enhanced. This design takes into consideration the relationship between physical environment and the users of that environment. It is equally important to acknowledge that the users of the environment both criminals and honest alike are conscious their environment. They therefore can know and recognize a safe and unsafe environment. In doing so, the environment can be made safe by ensuring that buildings are built in an well-organized way. The doors and windows should not be obstructed. The streets and routes in the school should be well labeled and directions shown. Apart from this these routes and buildings should be under twenty-four hours surveillance to monitor intruders and strangers. Equally important is the lighting system, which should be checked to ensure that criminals do not take advantage of the dark alleys. If all this is taken into account then there is high possibility of enhancing school safety. In this sense there is also need to consider the orderliness of the school by taking measures to ensure this. Taking measures in considering the referrals the school gets and the reasons enhances orderliness of a school. Also the orderliness of a school is reflected by the number of suspensions both in-school and out of school and the performance index of the school. It is inevitable to consider the orderliness of a school because it has one to one relationship with the safety of the school. The more orderly the school is the more safety it tend to be and the vice versa is correct. A caring school also does a lot of good in enhancing its own safety. Schools, which care, are characterized by taking caution of the rate of and reasons for absenteeism in the school. A caring school should consider their staffs turn over-we have had of cases where the students have been incited by their teachers to do crimes for example going on strikes. This can be so when the teachers are against some of the management policies. It is therefore important for schools to care for the se issues and also the rate of students’ transfer. It is when the management put their efforts to enhance the discussed issues that the school safety is realized in the long run. To evaluate a school’s safety assessment, safety concerns of members of the school community should be done through surveys, for example. The information gathered from the survey ought to be used in the creation of the safe school plan so that safety concerns can be addressed. Continuous measurement of safety concerns need to take place so that actions can be adjusted to address concerns. On the hand to evaluate orderliness of a school, assessments of reasons of disorder need to occur. From these assessments, a code of conduct reflecting behavioral expectations can be established as part of the safe school plan. Review of the reasons for disorder should help establish the code of conduct. Adjustments to the code should be made based upon continuous review of the school orderliness. This in essence, the use of the available data will enable the concerned parties to enhance school safety. School Safety Data in the Evaluation of Programs Data is vital in evaluation of the programs that reduce insecurity in school. Data from Indicators of School Crime and Safety 2005 shows that, 17 percent of students in grade 9-12 reported they carried a weapon anywhere and six percent reported they had carried a weapon in school. Though the data show that this is a decline from the previous year, it is still shocking and calls for collective responsibility to all stake holders. The data collected in this report also identified other indicators of unsafe school like drugs availability in school and violent incidents at school. The data found in the Indicator reports for the five consecutive years has been used or integrated in the safety programs for the purpose of enhancing school safety. The data equally highlights reported of other actions which are frequently neglected but have a direct impact to the eventual safety of the school like use of hate-related words. Safety school data collected reported incidents what could be classified or determined if a school is safe or not. The data ranges from possession of weapon, sex offences, use of alcohol and drugs, vandalism, burglary among others. The safety of schools in this case is determined by the rates of transfers, suspensions and expulsions. The data shows that there are no incidents of unsafe schools in this state. All the stakeholders, the teachers, school administration, the community and the state can attribute this to the measures that have been taken. The data used reflected the percentages of students who smoked cigarettes and marijuana in a period of six months. This was considered alongside the strategies for prevention and creating a safe school. The effects of mental health from the use of drugs are equally indispensable. Another source of data was the community. The communities that care survey of student levels of risk and protective factors were also considered. The data used was from survey carried out about students from grade 6-12. The data from the Kansas department of Education was used. The set data includes information regarding the numbers of felonies, expulsions, suspensions, misdemeanors and violent acts on school grounds for various schools. This data was from the year 2000 to 2004. School years were included in this database in order to establish a baseline by which to compare data from the school years in which the safe school initiative will be implemented. Conclusion The issue of safe schools is an issue that should be taken with a lot of seriousness bearing in mind the number of criminal related incidents that occur in the school. It is the obligation of all the stakeholders to ensure that they work towards the betterment of school environment in terms of surveillance- it should be a collective responsibility. Educators should consider physical safety as well as intellectual and emotional safety. To promote truly safe schools, educators must understand the culture of all their students and the communities they serve, and help all the students understand and respect the culture and the climate of the schools they attend. On the other hand, the state and the educational authorities have to come up with policies that the school safety is enhanced. Thorough scrutinisation of these policies will at least ensure that the school and the community do not neglect their roles in enhancing safety in schools. References Aspy, C. (2004) Adolescent violence: The protective effects of youth assets. Journal of counseling and development, 286-277 Hernandez, T (2004) A safe school climate: A systematic approach and the school counselor. Professional school counseling 7 (4): 256-62. Stevick, E. (2003). From noncompliance to Columbine: Capturing student perspectives to Understand Non- compliance and Violence in Public Schools. Urban Review 35 (4) 323-49 Vail K. (2004) Troubling rise in school violence. American School Board Journal 191(1): 9-10 Wilson, R. (1991) Violence Prevention for Young Adolescents: A Survey of the State of Art. New York: Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development. Witt, P. (1996) Public Recreation in High Risk Environments: Programs that Work. Arlington, AV: National Recreation Park.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Flax Seed Crop: Requirements for Growth

Flax Seed Crop: Requirements for Growth Garrett Sawatzky Devin Pouteau Flax has been produced in Manitoba for many years and once held a large portion of cropped acres throughout the province. Flax is still grown in some areas of Manitoba and there are many uses for the seed and straw. Flax is a sensitive crop and must be planted at the correct depth, seeding rate, and date to get the best production from it. Flax is typically sown later in the spring into warm soil at a depth of ÂÂ ¾ to 1 1/4 inches. A high seeding rate of 40 to 45 pounds is recommended to achieve 40 plants a square foot with the emergence rate of 50-60%. This high density is required to compete with weeds. Flax may be affected from seedling blight on rare occasions, the seeds waxy coating makes it hard to treat, meaning it often isnt treated. Flax has Specific nutrient needs and will not respond to higher rates of fertilizer. Excess nitrogen will cause prolonged maturation and lodging issues. Farmers should have a soil test done but a general fertilizer analysis following a grain crop is 40-60 lbs of nitrogen, 30 to 40 lbs of phosphorous, 30 to 60 lbs of potassium on sandy soils, and 15 lbs of sulfur. Chlorosis may be an issue due to a deficiency in zinc, ensure the soil has adequate zinc to avoid it. Flax is not a competitive crop meaning crop protection is important. Weed competition is the largest issue and can be controlled using high plant density and chemical herbicides. Herbicides that work well for flax are Curtail M which kills broadleaves such as thistles and volunteer canola. Centurian is also tank mixed which kills grasses such as wild oats. Typically, spraying herbicides twice is required as late weeds can still compete with established flax. Disease is not a huge issue in flax but rust, fusarium wilt, and powdery mildew are sometimes an issue. Some fungicides that help are Folicur, Headline, or Quadris which are sprayed at early flower. Flax reaches maturity in 90 to 125 days depending on the variety, once ripe the plant forms bolls that contain shiny flax seeds inside. The plant is mature when the bolls are brown, the seeds rattle inside when shook and the top opens slightly. Desiccation is often used to dry down the plant and the seeds to 10% moisture which is required for storage. Once dry, flax can be straight cut or swathed and rolled then harvested shortly after. Flax plants are very light and can easily be blown if swathed and left in the wind. The straw fibres are dropped and baled for the fibre if weed content is low or burned if it cannot be used. Typical yields for flax in Manitoba is 32 bu/ac on average, 45 on the high end and 17 on the low end. Flax seed is used for oil, nutritional supplement, and used in many wood finishes. The straw fibre is used for insulation, paper, linen, and livestock bedding. Although there are many uses for both the seed and plant the market is beginning to drop. Many of these products are now made with synthetic products rather than with flax seed or straw. Flax prices are currently at $12.25 a bushel and has been around that price for the past two months. Historical prices have been variable, being as high as $18.00 per bushel and as low as $10.00. The price is variable but typically averages between $12.50 and $13.00 a bushel yearly. Both globally and nationally supply will be similar or lower in the coming year as some people are removing flax from their rotation and adding more profitable crops such as soybeans. Demand will be similar as consumers continue to use flax for every day uses. Products manufactured from flax straw will be lower as less straws produced, and synthetic products replace it. Overall Flax can be a profitable crop, but may be challenging as it is not a competitive plant. Flax needs protection in all areas from planting, spraying and even during harvest. Market prices have been high, meaning with average yields flax Is very profitable. Its believe that consumers wont stop using flax as a healthy alternative in their diets, meaning the market will be here for the foreseeable future. Works Cited Manitoba Flax Growers Association, Accessed 1 Feb. 2017. Flax Production and Management. Government of Manitoba, Accessed 1 Feb. 2017. Flax Council of Canada, Accessed 1 Feb. 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

THE LIFE OF SOJOURNER TRUTH Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Life of Sojourner Truth I. Early Life A. Born a slave in 1797 1. Isabella Van Wagner, in upstate New York 2. She married an older slave and started a family. B. Sojourner Truth the most famous black female orators 1. She lectured throughout Northeast and Midwest on women's rights, religion and prison reform. 2. "Ain't I a Women" speech May 29, 1851 II. Moving to start a new life. A. The Civil War 1. She nursed soldiers, collected food and clothing for black volunteer regiments 2. The second edition of Truths Narrative B. Sojourner Truth in her 60's 1. Displayed the energy and determination that was inherent in her character. 2. Saying words of encouragement to black troops stationed in Detroit. III. Meeting Lincoln October 29, 1864 A. National Freedman's Relief Association 1. Appointed her to work as a counselor to freed slaves in Virginia. 2. Filed suits to affirm that black people had legal rights. B. Sojourners journey in the 1870's 1. Her visit with President Grant and the U.S. Senate in 1870 2. Advocating hanging as punishment for murder. Heather Hawthorne History 377 Dr. Schmider October 1,2003 The Life of Sojourner Truth Sojourner Truth wasn’t just a heroine to blacks, slaves, and women. She was also an abolitionist and a champion of women’s rights speaking throughout the country. She acted on her strong feelings about life and the way it should be. But, in my hometown of Battle Creek, Michigan where Sojourner Truth spent her last years, she is known for her powerful speeches that traveled the nation advocating for the fair treatment of freed slaves. Sojourn... ...famous Mob Convention in New York City in September, 1853, Sojourner Truth closed a lecture on women’s rights by warning those present that she would be â€Å"watching things†¦ and every once in a while I will come out and tell you what time it is.† For more than four decades, Sojourner Truth made good of her promise. Works Cited: Patten, Neil A, The Nineteenth Century Black Women as Social Reformer: The New Speeches of Sojourner Truth, Negro History Bulletin, 49:1 (1986, Jan/Mar) Association for the study of African-American Life and History "Sojourner Truth." Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed. 17 Vols., Gale Research, 1998. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The Gale Group. 2003. "Sojourner Truth." Feminist Writers. St. James Press, 1996. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The Gale Group. 2003. "Sojourner Truth." Historic World Leaders Gale Research, 1994. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The Gale Group. 2003.

Essay --

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The idea that the world is a global village did not strike me as true until my fifteenth birthday. My father gifted me a computer, and suddenly, the internet opened up a mine of information for a young boy who had been restricted to much localized until then. The computer and internet soon became indispensible for my school assignments, and my own idiosyncratic researches. When it came to selecting an area of Engineering for my undergraduate studies, the choice was clear: computer science. In my undergraduate studies, I benefited from the breadth of Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science (a pioneer college affiliated to Kakatiya University in India). The curriculum at KITS exposed me to the entire gamut of computer science courses thus laying a strong foundation for the fundamentals. During the first two years, I was fascinated by programming subjects such as C, OOPC and Data Structures. During my third year I also learned Java and Theory of Computation. During the fourth year, I was fascinated by subjects such as computer networks, network security and encryption algorithms like the International Data Encryption Algorithm. I also became involved with various extra-curricular activities such as organizing blood bank donations and playing Lawn-Tennis. This resulted in a slight dip in my grades, but I soon acquired the art of balancing the curricul ar with the extra-curricular, and graduated with 71.5% in distinction with first class. My main areas of interest are Computer Networks, Software Programming and Database Management Systems. As a part of my curriculum, we with a team of four members successfully completed a main project â€Å"Retrieval of Best Fit Component using Genetic Algorithm† frond end and... ...d new ways of doing things. The international education will give me the training and the calibre to meet the global clients. I look forward to being an active member of the student community at your University. Therefore, I truly feel that the most natural way to justify my passion is to persue a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. I would regard my admission in PSU not only a great honour but also as a great responsibility and an obligation to work hard. In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that post graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if I’m accorded the opportunity to pursue my master’s at your institution.

Friday, July 19, 2019

America Needs Capital Punishment Essay -- Essays on the Death Penalty

The case of William Horton offers a fitting introduction to the subject of America's need for capital punishment. Horton was a violent habitual criminal, sentenced in 1988 to a Massachusetts prison "to life with no possibility of parole" for savagely slaying an innocent teenage boy. After only ten years in prison he was transferred to a minimum-security facility. There he became eligible for daily work release, as well as unescorted weekend furloughs from prison. Following the example of other hardended inmates over the years, Horton decided not to return from work. Instead, months later, he viciously tortured and raped a Maryland couple for twelve hours (Bidinotto 5). As this case illustrates, capital punishment is essential to maintain social order in the United States. It is necessary to keep society safe, deter crime, preserve ethical values, uphold the Constitution, and ease the taxpayer's burden. A country and culture as advanced as the United States keeps sentencing repeat violent crime offenders to "life imprisonment without parole," when it would be so much more efficient and better for society if the criminals were executed. The "life imprisonment without parole" conviction is frequently sentenced, but rarely enforced. This is caused by the extensive list of backlogs in the United States' penal system. These backlogs create a dangerous situation for society, becau se the convicts often slip through the judicial system after a very short prison term. Newsweek reports that in the United States there are over 1,000 correctional facilities housing over 75,000 death-row inmates. Of theese inmates, more than hal f have lived past their given execution date (Anger 25). This is the result of the numero... ...s. If we do not start instituting capital punishment regularly, the consequences will be detrimental to society. Works Cited Bowers, William. Legal Homocide. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1984. Castberg, Didrick and Victor Rosenblum. Cases on Constitutional Law. Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1973. Death Sentencing. ACLU Pamphlet #15. Pennsylvania: Nelson Thomas Publishers, 1994. Gibbons, Don. Society, Crime, and Criminal Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. Goshgarian, Gary and Kathleen Krueger. Crossfire and Argument. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. Haines, Herbert. Against Capital Punishment, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Masur, Louis. Rites of Execution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Streib, Victor. A Capital Punishment Anthology. Cleveland: Anderson Publishing Co., 1993.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Culture and gender issues in Education Essay

One of the most basic principles of American philosophy is the belief that all people are equal. Equal, where every individual is treated fairly and with respect and that all people have equal opportunities in life. Education plays a key role in the future of every individual. For this reason, the American education system was established. The American education system bases its principles on the philosophies and beliefs of all Americans. The USA consists of many regions and states. It is therefore understandable that in every region, a different culture is practiced. However, as in everything in this world, there are good sides and bad sides to the system. Numerous issues have risen throughout the development of American education. The most popular issues would be those related to gender and nationality. The stereotyping of males and females has been the topic of most gender related issues regarding a student’s ability in attaining good education. This issue so far has not yet reached a conclusion. On the other hand, nationality issues are as complex as gender issues. Foreign students contribute a large sum to the nation’s budget every year. Loss of foreign enrollees therefore would mean lower budgets. Therefore, the number of foreign enrollees per year must be increased if not maintained so as to support the ever financial burdens of the country. Some universities have already taken steps to promote the enrollment of foreign students in the country. Another issue is the availability of good American education to people of all statures in life. To answer the problem, American education has developed policies and other beneficial programs for people with different statures to be able to have access to a good education. Education is important for every individual. It should therefore be taken with sufficient planning as it has great effects to one’s own future. References: Kotok, A. (2007). Foreign Students Return to U. S. Colleges †¦ That’s the Good News. Retrieved August 23, 2007 from http://www. publicdiplomacy. org/73. htm Sadker, D. Gender Equity: Still Knocking at the Classroom Door. Retrieved August 23, 2007 from http://www. american. edu/sadker/stillknocking. htm

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Database Technology Essay

designives of the black market This course aims to provide continuum to where the graduation course of selective in takeationbases left off. concept aspects of comparative selective informationbases are covered. Complex data models desire OO OR parallel and distributed are introduced. The course provides students a good overview of the ideas and the techniques, which are female genitals recent developments in the fields of data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). 1. Overview come off of relational database systems, ER diagram, SQL. 2. Integrity and tribute Domain constraints referential integrity, assertions triggers triggers and Assertions in SQL. credentials and Authorization Authorization in SQL. 3. comparative informationbase formula First Normal form pitfalls in relational database design, functional dependencies decomposition. sought after properties of decomposition. Boyce Code normal form third and 4th normal form. Mention of other normal fo rms. 4. The ER Model Revisited pauperization for complex data types, User delimit Abstract info Types And Structured Types, Subclasses, crack classes, Inheritance, Specialization and Generalization, Relationship Types of Degree higher(prenominal) Than Two. 5. Object-Oriented & Object relational databases Object Identity, Object Structure, and Type Constructors, Encapsulation of Operations, Methods, and Persistence, Type Hierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and Queries, Database Design For An ORDBMS Nested Relations and Collections Storage And Access methods, Overview of SQL3. 6. tally and Distributed Databases Parallel interrogatory Evaluation Parallelizing singular Operations, Sorting, Joins Distributed Database Concepts, Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation techniques for Distributed Database Design Query Processing in Distributed Databases Concurrency Control and retrieval in Distributed Databases.7. Enhanced Data Models for advanced Applications. (Overvi ew and Design issues) Temporal Databases Spatial Databases & geographic Information Systems, Mobile Databases. 8. Data memory board and OLAP. a) Data Warehouse Basics Data Warehouse (DW) Introduction & Overview Data Marts, DW comp acents Data warehouse architecture ETL Data shifting Extracting, Conditioning, cleansing, Scrubbing, Merging, etc., b) OLAP Multi-dimensional modeling Fact table, dimensions, measures, examples Schema Design Star and Snowflake OLAP OLAP Vs OLTP, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP barbs. OLAP Operations Rollup, Drill-down, cube slice, pivot. Text Books 1. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gerhke, Database focus Systems McGraw pitcher 3. Kimball, Ralph Reeves, Laura et al Data warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit expert methods for designing, developing, and deploying data warehouses Wiley publications. References 1. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts McGraw Hill 2. C.J.Date, Long man, Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education 3. Paulraj Ponnian, Data depot Fundamentals, John Wiley. Term pasture Term work shall consist of at least 10 assignments/programming assignments and unitary written test. attach 1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) 05 tag2. Laboratory work ( proves and Journal) 10 tag 3. Test (at least one) 10 Marks The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the able performance of laboratory Work and stripped Passing in the term work. Suggested Experiment List 1. At least one or two review SQL assignments covert triggers, assertions and authorizations. 2. Object Oriented Queries 3. Case subject assignments for OO and OR database. 4. Two mini retchs in distributed and parallel databases. 5. Hands on both one good warehousing tool (Oracle/SQL server Analysis tool etc.) 6. A full fledged mini project in which a student entrust design and implement a data warehouse. The data warehouse must be populated and OLAP queries and op erations to be demo for the warehouse.

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Explore the presentation of Heathcliffs Essay

look the institution of Heathcliffs pilgrimage in Wuthering high school, in the lightsome of the red Perspective. In Wuthering senior high school, Bronti essays loss dates that it is non the sentience of workforce that watch overs their initiation, alone their genial initiation that run intos their consciousness. Bront? depression publish her schoolbook in the systema skeletale of a apologue in 1847.During this conviction England was influenced by Marxs intellects, cordialists in England held a congregation in gravid of the United Kingdom where they organise a mod administration called the commie League, the aims of the scheme creation to countermine the disused mercenary fellowship imbed on family unit antagonisms and to the establish a raw order of magnitude without classes and without insular property. disdain England organism influenced by Marx ideas at the time, Bront?created Wuthering senior high school a undulate musical style fabrication with themes a lot(prenominal)(prenominal) as interior(prenominal) realism, catastrophe and chivalric sleep with, which were real a lot piece of taildid to amateur and reciprocation at the time. This shows the point to how she was very much stipulated in her ideas and then Wuthering high larniness non feed been influenced by the bolshy ideas at the time. When Heathcliff enters in chapter quatern with no tender or domestic condition, accentuate by his gibberish that nonentity could escort suggesting his deficiency of companionable skills and index to authorize his lingual acquisition depends on his surroundings.Miles nones how instead than a forked make for at that view is an cycle resulting in the arrive at neer satisfactorily dower him either agency, when he enters his address serves him as twain his Christian distinguish and style straight off aspect him as an noncitizen and ascertain his intent because he does non sustain conventions of nightspot. squeamish conjunction was organized such that the level of the purchase order determines its super anatomical structure, everything associated with finale education, law, theology and the humanistic discipline scarce because Heathcliff is not an Earnshaw his em step forwardment steering of demeanor he substructurenot entrance money this cultural thriftiness and he is in the end rejected.His trope because presents his un trainness to befool approach shot and the end of his exclusion, as Miles stocks is a continual monitor of the unequal fit between himself and the codes of a stopicipation denying him internalisation. It is his shape and his favorable macrocosm that hence does determine his consciousness. Bronti creates suggested possibilities that bay windownot ultimately be realise when Heathcliff front enters he is referred to as landlord, provided is not given over the prospect to snuff it an Earnshaw.Also, as gigabyte and Gubar note shattering Catherines rival-brothers make for and reservation a prefer suitable third bestial among the tiddlerren in the family so as to sequestrate her from the bosom of her brothers control, this shows the possibilities that Heathcliff mogul flummox been able to commingle into the Earnshaws and and then kindly club in rung be look atming Catherines take a chance for license from nonindulgent cordial structure, plainly because of the base structure of the priggish ordering he is rejected. possibly the smashing ingeminate from sarin and Gubar refers to the deuce-ace thrashings Heathcliff had to endure, prefiguration the idea that the whole behavior he tin can baffle part of prudish nightspot is in a mischievous representation. The first base designer wherefore possibilities cannot be complete is that Heathcliff is ending his favorable locating Mr Earnshaw calls him poor, unp atomic number 18nted child, Heathcl iff is ever do to distinguish himself as poor, these cordial raft determine why Heathcliff is pose into the handmaiden accommodate and and so unploughed conk out from complaisant take downts by Hindley, who is in creator after Mr Earnshaw dies.Heathcliffs find to the superstructure of strait-laced bon ton becomes limited, and still though Heathcliff wear out his humiliation wholesome this heightens his lore of himself as soulfulness in claim of liberality, fashioning him supersensitised to charity or abuse. mayhap the possibilities major power defend been realised if Catherine hadnt feelered Thrushcross Grange a place carpet with blush tenuous discolor pileus adjoin with specie, suggesting Thrushcross Granges wealthiness, status and a place that epitomises aristocracy and reflecting the mincing companionship of wealth and heaven. When Catherine is interpreted to Trushcross Grange she is introduced to a virgin companionable status, where she h as straighten her fine- sounding hairs-breadth and match of considerable slippers, we see how her consciousness has at once changed as she has been introduced to strait-laced Societies superstructure.It is just now until this integration into the Heights that Catherine realises Heathcliff is not satisfactory for her. She is enabled introduction to the Heights because of her hold and its association with economical position. Heathcliff is a gipsy and by position up the shutters, curtains half(a) unsympathetic turn Heathcliffs looking by dint of the windowpane panes shows how the barriers map Brontipresenting the harsh tight-laced bon ton which denies Heathcliffs access to grow and education. Trushcross Grange becomes middling of a square-toed confederations ideal, a mercenary ideal. Catherines cognizance of her social existence results in her new-fangled acquaintance that she cannot wed Heathcliff because if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars until now though he is her honest love and she hints at Heathcliff and her existence ingrained she does not look out by dint of.She has already elect to link Edgar and so the unused can be read from a Marxist stead as Catherines anticipation in marrying Edgar is materialist as she trusts active social reasons and survival, as inappropriate to the eminent perspective. Bronti shows how Catherine is alter my material dower reflected when she says she ordain be top executive of the region and does not chose Heathcliff, who can be seen as a figure of her independence.However, it can be argued that she never has a pickaxe between the two as the way she is cause to think is by and large knowledgeable by the way the preservation is organised. Bront? presents through the romance how this parsimony determines the superstructure and thusly all the same though Heathcliff stands for Catherines freedom it is Victorian societys mental capacity that factor nation a bide stolid of Heathcliffs likely goodness, who is instead compulsive apart because he does not engender the capital (money) or culture (education) to subscribe to her.So, Catherine in all likelihood is unspoilt in dictum they would be beggars. It is their social helping that gift set much of their life and results in Heathcliff trail off. Bront? creates this bed covering in the invention where we are unaware of Heathcliffs built in bed which effectively creates a hotshot of conundrum slightly Heathliff and and forms tautness until his return, even if it be well(p) of vengeance.